How To Open & Use Console In CS2

How to Open and Use the Console in CS2: A Step-by-Step Guide

For CS:GO players, the Console is a vital tool in Counter Strike 2 (CS2) that can enhance your performance. It allows you to quickly apply commands and navigate through the game with ease. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of enabling and using the Console in CS2.

How to Open the CS2 Console

To access the Console in CS2, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Counter-Strike 2 on your PC.
  2. In the top-left corner of the Main Screen, you will find the Settings options.
  3. Click on Settings and select the “Game” option from the list.
  4. Look for “Enable Developer Console” and set it to “Yes”.
  5. Exit the Settings menu to return to the game.
  6. To open the Console, simply press the “~” key.
How to Change CS2 Console Key

If you prefer to use a different key to open the Console, you can customize it by following these steps:

  1. From the game’s Main Screen, go to the Settings option again.
  2. Select the “Keyboard/Mouse” settings.
  3. Choose the “UI Keys” option.
  4. Locate the “Toggle Console” button and select the desired key.
  5. Exit the Settings menu and return to the game.
  6. Press the key you have set as the default, and the CS2 Console tool will appear on the screen.

By following these steps, you will be able to enable and open the Console in CS2. For more guides and tips on Counter Strike 2, be sure to check out Gamer Tweak, including articles on the Net Graph Console Command.