This upcoming limited-edition Mixtape lets you play 30 spooky games just in time for Halloween

Experience Spooky Gaming with Super Rare Mixtape

If you’re on the lookout for some spine-chilling games to play on your Windows PC or laptop this Halloween, you’re in for a treat. Super Rare Games has just unveiled a brand new Super Rare Mixtape that features a wide array of horror-themed indie titles.

For those who may not be familiar, a Super Rare Mixtape is a limited edition USB drive loaded with a hand-curated selection of 30 top-notch indie games, along with a few short demos. Additionally, the package includes special bonuses like developer audio diaries and concept art.

Released in highly limited quantities (only 1,500 copies of each version available to the public via the Super Rare website) and priced at $35.99 / £34.80, these Mixtapes are designed to resemble classic cassette tapes, making them not just great gaming gifts, but also collectibles.

Each edition of the Super Rare Mixtape showcases a unique selection of games that emphasize originality and creativity in terms of content and design. However, the latest edition focuses on the horror genre, featuring titles such as PortaBoy+, Mysteries Under Lake Ophelia, and Digidream.

Personally, I’m most excited to play MOTH HOUSE, a short adventure where players embark on a mission to catch moths in a pitch-black abandoned house. With 25 different types of moths to discover, the VHS-inspired monochrome visuals add a touch of sinister atmosphere to the experience.

Mark your calendars for the release on October 19 and prepare to immerse yourself in the spirit of Halloween with any of these 30 games.

Craving more recommendations for creepy games? Check out our list of the best horror games or the best indie horror games.