MW3 Update 1.033 Patch Notes Today

Just a few days after its release, Activision has rolled out an update for Modern Warfare 3, bringing the game to version 1.033.000. If you’re curious about what the update includes, we have the latest on the MW3 Update 1.033 patch notes, which were released on November 15.

MW3 Update 1.033 Release Time and Install Size

The update was initially made available on PlayStation 5, but players can only start installing it at 12pm ET/5pm GMT on November 15. So, be sure to preload the update to be ready as soon as it becomes available.

The patch is not particularly large, so there’s no need to fret. The full download size on PS5 is 2.5GB, and it is expected to be similar on other platforms. It is certainly not as substantial as the massive 100GB+ update that preceded the game’s launch.

Modern Warfare 3 Update 1.033 Patch Notes

As of now, Activision and Sledgehammer Games have not yet released the full patch notes for the new update, but we have a general idea of what to expect.

Since this is a small update, there will not be any new content or major changes to the game. It’s likely that we’ll have to wait until early December and Season 1 before seeing any significant updates.

Update 1.033 will mainly consist of bug fixes and minor changes. The focus will be on addressing FOV glitches, XP gain exploits, and map inconsistencies. We do not anticipate significant weapon balancing, nerfs, or buffs at this stage.

Despite the calls from players, it’s unlikely that we’ll see changes to features such as the implementation of SBMM, the leveling up system, or the ability to prestige just yet. If these changes do come, they will likely be introduced at a later date.

As soon as the full patch notes for MW3 Update 1.033 are released, we’ll update this space, so be sure to check back for the latest information.

About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Tom Hopkins

With a background as Editor for various sites, Tom brings a wealth of video game knowledge and currently serves as Managing Editor at Twinfinite. He specializes in Call of Duty, sports games, PlayStation exclusives, and blockbuster action games. If he’s not playing the latest release, he’ll be grinding on EA FC 24.