Baldur’s Gate 3’s narrator has a favorite line from the Dark Urge and it’s one of the most chilling

Amelia Tyler, the voice behind Baldur’s Gate 3‘s narrator, shared her favorite line from the game’s Dark Urge subplot, showcasing her top pick in Larian Studios’ well-received RPG.

Minor spoilers ahead for Baldur’s Gate 3.

If you choose the Dark Urge background, you’ll receive additional voice lines from Tyler’s narrator, emphasizing your character’s inner desire to kill.

“My favorite line [from] the Dark Urge is just a laugh,” said Tyler in a recent interview with TechRadar Gaming.  

“It’s just a low chuckle, I think it’s after Alfira,” she said, referring to a key moment early on in the Dark Urge playthrough where charming Bard Alfira tries to join your party. Later that night, your character gives in to their murderous urge and ends the poor Tiefling’s life.

“If you roll the right things [in the game’s dice-roll-centric dialogue trees], you just get this amused chuckle at what’s happened.”

Tyler also discussed the challenges she faced in capturing the essence of the scene, particularly when it came to creating the right type of sound for the Dark Urge. “Usually in scripts, when you see laughs pop up, your heart sinks a little bit because a laugh is so easy to get wrong. It’s so easy to make it sound fake,” she explained.

“And this wasn’t even a normal kind of laugh; this was just enjoying, relaxing into what it was [sic.]. I love that people have noticed it and I got to play like that. You so rarely get a character that you can just sink your teeth into like that, pun intended.”

I recall experiencing this scene in my own Halloween Dark Urge playthrough and finding it darkly compelling, thanks in no small part to Tyler’s nuanced performance. Baldur’s Gate 3 may have its lighthearted moments, but the inclusion of this darker side also contributes significantly to enriching Larian’s fantasy narrative, solidifying its status as one of the top RPGs in recent years.

Looking for more dark games? Check out our lists of the best horror games and the best survival games for a variety of options in that genre.