Spider-Man 2 PS5 Multiplayer References Found in Leaked Files

Internet users are sifting through leaked Insomniac Games files after the recent hack and have discovered potential evidence of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 PS5 multiplayer. The leaked files, about a month old, have led to speculation that Insomniac may be planning to release a multiplayer add-on.

How Likely is the Spider-Man 2 Multiplayer Leak?

Speculation about Spider-Man 2 having a co-op mode has been ongoing since the game was announced, especially after the confirmation of two main protagonists. However, Insomniac has consistently shut down these rumors, emphasizing that Spider-Man 2 is designed as a single-player experience. Even when Miles Morales voice actor Nadji Jeter mentioned co-op in an interview, Insomniac debunked that statement.

One Reddit user, No_Kaleidoscope_9471, claims to have found files referencing air vehicles and a progression system. They also shared screenshots of code mentioning multiplayer elements such as a dedicated game server.

However, another Redditor points out that game engines often come with a default client-server communication implementation, so the mere mention of it in the code doesn’t necessarily confirm that the game is ready for multiplayer.

There continues to be speculation about whether Spider-Man 2 will indeed introduce multiplayer and co-op missions.