Top 5 Beginner Classes To Play in World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft: Easy Classes for Beginners

World of Warcraft is a massively popular MMORPG with a wealth of content for new players to explore. One of the first and most crucial decisions new players will face is choosing a class, so we’ve compiled a list of the top five beginner-friendly classes to consider.

WoW has a rich history stretching back almost 20 years, offering players an extensive array of classes and specializations. Some classes, such as the Arcane Mage, have a steep learning curve, making them challenging for beginners, especially at higher levels.

However, some classes are far more beginner-friendly. This guide will walk you through the easiest classes for new players, comparing their simplicity at the base level when reaching the max level.

Havoc Demon Hunter

The Havoc Demon Hunter, introduced in Legion, is a highly sought-after melee spec due to its accessibility and lore. It relies on fast movements and capitalizing on the “Metamorphis” window, making it an engaging class to play.

While the Havoc Demon Hunter becomes more complex at higher levels, it provides a stable foundation for beginners to build upon.

Beast Mastery Hunter

The Beast Mastery Hunter has long been regarded as the easiest DPS spec in the game. Its unique feature of allowing players to fight alongside two pets makes it an excellent choice for beginners.

The class primarily relies on a straightforward set of main buttons, with a strong emphasis on “Kill Command” and “Barbed Shot.” This simplicity makes it easy for beginners to top damage leaderboards with just a few clicks.

Arms or Fury Warrior

The Arms or Fury Warrior is another beginner-friendly option. The class emphasizes hacking and slashing opponents during combat, appealing to players looking for a straightforward, no-nonsense playstyle.

While the spec has had its share of difficulties in the past, it remains relatively easy for beginners to grasp, offering a positive outlook for players venturing into the game.

Healer – Restoration Shaman

For players interested in healing, the Restoration Shaman class is an excellent choice for beginners. Shaman healers rely on totems and elemental abilities to keep their allies healthy during combat. While healing can be challenging, the Restoration Shaman provides a solid foundation for players new to the role.

Tank – Guardian Druid

Lastly, for players interested in tanking, the Guardian Druid is widely considered the easiest tank class for beginners. While tanking can be daunting, the Guardian Druid offers new players a solid entry point into the role, allowing them to experience the exhilarating feeling of being the focal point of a raid.

These classes provide new players with a strong understanding of the three main roles within World of Warcraft—damage-dealing, healing, and tanking. We hope you have a wonderful adventure in Azeroth with your chosen class!

Now that you’ve chosen your starter class, check out our article exploring the possibility of World of Warcraft becoming available on the Xbox, now that Blizzard is owned by Microsoft.