Phasmophobia Developers Provide Update on Console Version

Phasmophobia PS5/PSVR2 Release Update

Kinetic Games has recently provided an update on the highly anticipated release of hit co-op horror game Phasmophobia for PS5/PSVR2.

In a post on the developer’s Steam page, Kinetic Games confirmed that the game still does not have a set release date for console. However, the team expressed optimism by highlighting the additional enhancements and improvements that will be included in the game upon its launch on PlayStation.

According to the post, the delay in the release of Phasmophobia for console will allow for extra changes and improvements to be made, including an enhanced Shop experience, adjustments to the leveling and equipment tiers, as well as various balance changes. This will ensure that console players will have the best possible experience from the moment they start playing, without having to adjust to significant gameplay and progression changes shortly after the release.

Furthermore, when the game is finally released for console, players can expect a visually and technically enhanced experience. The development team is focused on implementing a wide range of optimizations to maintain the game’s graphical quality as closely as possible to the PC version.

For those unfamiliar with the game, Phasmophobia involves a team of four players who work together to investigate paranormal activity in different locations. Players are required to utilize ghost-hunting equipment to gather evidence and uncover the mysteries within the game.

Last year, the game experienced delays in August and October, largely due to unforeseen circumstances such as a fire in Kinetic Games’ office, which resulted in a shift to remote working for the development team at a critical time. Additionally, the adaptation of the PC version of the game to accommodate console release and cross-play functionality has contributed to the extended development timeline.