Unofficial Spider-Man 2 PC Port Has Been Released

Unofficial Spider-Man 2 PC Release Raises Concerns

An unofficial PC port of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has hit the internet, raising questions about the security of game development studios. This release comes after a recent ransomware attack on Insomniac Games, where the perpetrators leaked a development build of Spider-Man 2 for PC.

Quality and Concerns

Although we will not provide direct links to the port, evidence of its existence has been shared on Twitter by PC_Focus. The port, while containing the full game, is reportedly riddled with bugs and glitches. The individuals behind the unauthorized port are said to be working on improving its performance and addressing its issues. However, the full release is said to weigh around 256GB, likely due to poor optimization.

Insomniac Games has been quick to distance themselves from the unofficial port, reportedly banning the developers from its official Discord server. Additionally, there are reports that some of the developers have quit their involvement with the port, possibly out of concern for facing consequences. Despite this, it is suggested that some developers based in Brazil are still working on the port.

Potential Legal Action

Sony, the parent company of Insomniac Games, is likely investigating the source of the leaked build and preparing to take legal action. It is strongly advised against downloading any unofficial releases, as they may pose security risks and legal repercussions.

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