Konami releases new iconic Silent Hill: Ascension ‘It’s Trauma’ merch

Silent Hill: Ascension Merch Now Available!

Silent Hill: Ascension may not have had the impact Konami was hoping for in the video game world, but the release of its licensed T-shirts and other merchandise may change that. The new line of tie-in merch is now available on the Konami website, featuring a variety of items including shirts, a hoodie, and a beanie. The standout pieces include a light blue T-shirt and a mug both featuring the phrase “It’s trauma” surrounded by rainbows and stars in a bubbly font.

If you’re looking for emotionally-charged merchandise that looks great and reflects your inner feelings, then this latest release is definitely worth considering.

The Impact of the “It’s Trauma” Merch

When Silent Hill: Ascension was first announced, the new interactive, choose-your-own-adventure experience was accompanied by the tagline “It’s trauma.” This tagline raised eyebrows for being on the nose for a story centered around trauma, leaving some fans feeling bewildered. This approach was particularly jarring for those familiar with the franchise’s history of deeply exploring themes of trauma, grief, and guilt.

For example, Silent Hill 2 offered a profound commentary on trauma, grief, and guilt, creating a character-driven story distinct from the first game’s dense lore. These themes have been integral to the Silent Hill franchise, and previous installments have been met with varying degrees of success in their exploration of these themes.

Critics’ Response and the “It’s Trauma” Merch

Silent Hill: Ascension has been heavily criticized for its failure to capture the essence of “Silent Hill as trauma,” as well as for its stilted dialogue and overall lackluster experience. The addition of a season pass and microtransactions further detracted from the game’s tonal consistency, making it difficult for both critics and fans to take the release seriously. The availability of a T-shirt and mug featuring the tagline “It’s trauma” has added an ironic twist to the game’s merchandise.

Final Thoughts on the Merchandise

While the release of a T-shirt or mug won’t improve the overall experience of Ascension, the inclusion of the “it’s trauma” sentiment has resulted in some unexpectedly fitting and ironic merchandise. In the current state of the world, donning a T-shirt or drinking from a mug that outwardly acknowledges a relationship to trauma may resonate with some fans.