The fastest way to level up Battle Pass in MW3

Rapidly Level Up Your Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Battle Pass

As the end of the Call Of Duty MW3 season approaches, time is running out to level up and complete the Battle Pass. Unlocking skins, cosmetics, COD points, and other rewards is essential, and there are strategies to help you do it quickly.

Utilize XP Boosts

If you’ve been collecting XP boosts, now is the time to use them. Burning through these boosts at the beginning of your sessions can maximize the impact of daily challenge boosts, weapon challenges, and weekly challenges. This approach will lead to faster Battle Pass progression in MW3.

You can locate XP boosts on the left side of the screen when loading into a game. However, be prepared for potential technical difficulties after activating them.

Choose the Right Modes

Selecting longer game modes such as Ground War and Invasion can help you achieve multiple kills and make significant progress towards completing the Battle Pass in MW3. These extended game modes are ideal for maximizing XP, especially when combined with an XP boost.

For even more Battle Pass progression, consider playing Zombies mode, which offers lengthy games and opportunities to work on specific gun challenges. Focusing on looting and contracts can result in substantial XP gains. HGV and Cargo contracts are recommended for their ease and efficiency.

Consider Purchasing Battle Pass Tiers

If time is running out and the Battle Pass remains incomplete, purchasing the Blackcell addition to the MW3 Battle Pass provides 20 Tier skips. While this is a quick shortcut, it comes at a cost of $29.99.