How to make Minecraft in Infinite Craft

Creating Minecraft in Infinite Craft

When it comes to creating things in games, we often try to replicate the familiar. This is why we’re going to explore how to create Minecraft in Infinite Craft by combining different elements from the game.

Essentially, Minecraft in Infinite Craft is a combination of a sandbox and elementary. However, the first item you should focus on creating is elementary because it is the most time-consuming. The steps involved in creating elementary take us from Earth and water, all the way to Paris Hilton.

How to create elementary in Infinite Craft

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Because the process of creating elementary involves a massive amount of items, we have divided the creations into two sections. Additionally, the images should be read from up and down and left to right. In essence, two items right next to each other equal the item to the right of it. So, let’s dive into the steps required to make elementary:

  • — Image 1
  • Forest + Forest = Jungle
  • Metal + Jungle = Tin
  • Oxygen + Tin = Titanium
  • — Image 2

How to create sandbox in Infinite Craft

How To Make Minecraft In Infinite Craft Sandbox
Screenshot: PC Invasion

If you’ve ever played Infinite Craft, you know there are many steps between the start and finish line. Now that you know how to make elementary, we’ll take a quick peek at what it takes to make sandbox in Infinite Craft.

While sandbox seems like a relatively easy item to get, the fact that you already need to have elementary makes it that much harder. Because of that, we recommend you go ahead and grab elementary first before you get sandbox. And assuming you do indeed have elementary, the process of getting sandbox is simple:

  • Water + Wind = Wave
  • Wave + Earth = Sand
  • Sand + Elementary = Sandbox

Once you have both sandbox and elementary, you can combine them to get Minecraft. You might not be the first person to discover it, but the thrill of discovery is what keeps us coming back for more.