How to get kills with Alternate Ammo in Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3: Mastering Alternate Ammo Kills

Are you struggling to secure kills with alternate ammo in Modern Warfare 3? Fear not, as we break down the steps to help you dominate your matches with these special bullets.

To start, weekly challenges may sometimes leave players scratching their heads, like Season 2 Week 4’s task of getting kills using alternate ammo in your recommended Assault Rifle. But don’t worry, it’s simpler than it seems. All you need to do is attach any Ammunition Attachment to your weapon, and you’re ready to go.

If you haven’t already, level up your preferred assault rifle to level 11. This will unlock the ability to switch to alternate ammo types. For example, equipping the 5.56 Nato High Grain Rounds can improve range and velocity while slightly reducing recoil control. Each kill you secure using this attachment counts towards your challenge progress, so dive into your favorite multiplayer mode and start racking up those kills.

Image: PC Invasion

Want more tips for Modern Warfare 3 challenges? Check out our guide on how to achieve Close Call kills in the game. Remember, choosing the right Assault Rifle is essential to your success, so make sure to follow the recommendations for maximum effectiveness.

Ready to take your weapon customization to the next level? Learn how to unlock all Season 2 JAK Aftermarket Parts in Modern Warfare 3 and truly make your arsenal your own.