Helldivers 2 Sales Continue to Rise

Helldivers 2 Continues to Surpass Expectations with Sales Growth

As we enter into the new year, it seems that Helldivers 2 is making waves as possibly the breakout hit of 2024. Arrowhead’s cooperative third-person shooter has shown remarkable resilience in the market, defying the usual trend of dwindling sales. Recent data from industry analyst Mat Piscatella indicates that sales for the game have actually continued to climb even in its third week of release.

Helldivers 2 Sales Keep Rising

According to Piscatella, the sales for Helldivers 2 doubled in the second week after launch, which is already a rare occurrence in the gaming industry. What is even more impressive is that the upward trend in sales has persisted into the third week. Piscatella took to Twitter to share this surprising development, stating, “Helldivers II US sales went up yet again during its 3rd week in market. An honest-to-goodness inverse decay curve so far.”

Piscatella’s sentiment of amazement was further highlighted when he compared the ongoing success of Helldivers 2 to spotting a rare bird, emphasizing just how unusual and impressive the situation is within the gaming landscape.

Typically, game sales experience a peak around release day and then see a rapid decline. However, Helldivers 2 has defied this pattern with its consistent week-to-week growth. This not only speaks to the quality and appeal of the game but also underscores the impact of positive word-of-mouth in driving sales over an extended period.

The Success Story of Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2’s success story is particularly remarkable when compared to its predecessor, which was already well-received in its own right. The sequel has not only surpassed the original in terms of critical acclaim but has also become a surprise viral sensation for both Arrowhead and Sony. While the exact sales figures have not been disclosed, Arrowhead’s CEO Johan Pilestedt confirmed that Helldivers 2 sold over 1 million units within its first four days of release, setting a new benchmark for the franchise.