Is Dragon’s Dogma 2 Fast Travel a Microtransaction?

Understanding Fast Travel Microtransactions in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Dragon’s Dogma 2 has faced backlash for including microtransactions in a game that is already a high-priced AAA title. The specific focus of criticism has been on the Fast Travel items that are available for purchase, sparking debates among players. Let’s delve into what these items entail, how they can be obtained in-game without spending extra money, and whether Fast Travel truly qualifies as a microtransaction in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

What Are Fast Travel Items in Dragon’s Dogma 2?

The Port Crystal stands out as the sole fast travel item in Dragon’s Dogma 2 that can be bought on Steam’s platform. Each Port Crystal comes with a $2.99 price tag and functions as a customizable teleport marker, allowing players to swiftly move between different locations in the game world.

Despite the option to purchase Port Crystals, players can actually acquire them through various means within the base game, such as completing story quests and exploring the world. In some instances, players can even buy Port Crystals from non-playable characters like the Dragonforged. During our playthrough, we managed to obtain three Port Crystals without having to make any additional purchases, which proved to be sufficient for efficient navigation once familiar with key locations and primary routes.

Moreover, utilizing a Port Crystal necessitates the use of Ferrystones, which may not be readily accessible in the early stages of the game. Consequently, the decision to buy Port Crystals may not always align with the gameplay progression. Overall, the game does not pressure players into purchasing Port Crystals, positioning them as optional enhancements for enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Are Fast Travel Microtransactions Justified?

While the Steam page mentions the ability to place up to ten Port Crystals in the game world, having that many may not be essential for efficient travel. Considering that players can obtain them through gameplay and that the in-game world is navigable without an excess of Port Crystals, the Fast Travel microtransactions appear to be redundant. Opting out of these purchases does not significantly impact the gameplay, and many players find the Dragon’s Dogma 2 experience to be more rewarding without them.

This overview covers the essential aspects of the Fast Travel microtransactions in Dragon’s Dogma 2. While you’re here, take the opportunity to explore the expansive game map and discover the full range of available microtransactions.