South Park: Snow Day! Review


Playing South Park: Snow Day! felt like being trapped indoors during a blizzard, wishing to be anywhere else. This cooperative 3D hack-and-slash game attempts new things but ends up delivering a monotonous and sloppy experience. The controls are awkward, the weapons lack excitement, and the humor that South Park is known for is missing. Let’s delve into the details of what makes this game fall short.

Perplexingly Boring Gameplay

In South Park: Snow Day!, players engage in third-person multiplayer combat against waves of elementary school enemies. While there are some clever card-based leveling mechanics and occasional witty one-liners, the overall experience is dull. The gameplay consists of repetitive hack-and-slash combat that fails to captivate players, lacking the humor and shock value that characterized previous South Park games.

Snow Day’s Lackluster Story

The storyline of Snow Day! is one-dimensional, taking players on a fantasy adventure during a snow day. However, the narrative fails to surprise or engage, with few memorable moments or comedic elements. Characters like Randy and Cartman feel toned down, missing the edginess that fans expect from a South Park game.

Disappointing Combat Mechanics

The core of Snow Day’s gameplay revolves around clunky and unfulfilling combat. Players can choose from a limited selection of melee and ranged weapons, each with its own drawbacks. The combat lacks precision and satisfaction, making engagements feel uninspired and frustrating.

Unique Card System

Despite the underwhelming combat, Snow Day introduces upgradeable cards that offer passive benefits and enhance player abilities. This card system adds a layer of strategy to gameplay, allowing players to customize their playstyles and experiment with different builds throughout each level.

Missed Opportunity for Roguelike Elements

While the card system adds variety, Snow Day falls short in implementing true roguelike elements. Players do not face harsh consequences for failure, diminishing the need to optimize builds. The game’s structure limits the impact of the card system, hindering potential for deeper engagement.

Challenges in Horde Mode

The horde mode in Snow Day exacerbates the game’s flaws, prolonging tedious combat encounters with the introduction of Bullshit Cards. These cards disrupt gameplay flow and contribute to the overall frustration of battling waves of enemies in arena scenarios.