How to get Cheech and Chong in MW3, Warzone

The iconic Call of Duty franchise has a long history of featuring celebrity cameos in its games, with everyone from actors to athletes eager to make an appearance as a Skin. This trend has now extended beyond the realm of gaming, with crossovers from popular TV shows like The Walking Dead and notable figures like NBA star Kevin Durant.

In the latest Season Three update for MW3 and Warzone, players can now obtain the legendary comedy duo Cheech and Chong as Skins. If you’re wondering how to add them to your collection, we’ve got you covered.

MW3: How to unlock Cheech and Chong in Warzone

The influence of cannabis culture has always been present in Call of Duty games. While some may remember cringe-worthy emblems like the Joint Forces logo from MW2, the inclusion of Cheech and Chong shows that the franchise has not outgrown its roots. These iconic Skins can only be acquired by purchasing them from the in-game store on April 20th, a fitting date for their release. Although the exact price remains unconfirmed by Activision, it is expected to be around 2,400 CoD points, equivalent to $19.99, in line with previous Tracer Bundle offerings. Unfortunately, there is no alternative method to earn these skins through gameplay, but considering the relatively low cost of most bundles in MW3, investing a few dollars may be worth it.

Unlike previous collaborations such as The Walking Dead, which featured in-game events, the Cheech and Chong bundle appears to be a standalone offering with no additional content tied to it.

Image: Activision

What’s included in the bundle?

In addition to having the likeness of Cheech and Chong as operators in your game, players may also hear lines voiced by the comedy duo during gameplay. Along with the two operators, the bundle features three weapon blueprints, a charm, a decal, and a loading screen. The standout item among these cosmetic additions is the Secondhand Smoke finishing move.

For those not interested in the Cheech and Chong skins, the Hunger Pains skin is another option available in MW3, and our guide can assist you in obtaining it.

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