Best builds to win Terminal Attack in The Finals: Light, Medium, and Heavy

While the excitement surrounding The Finals may have died down a bit, the developers have been busy working on Season 2. A new competitive game mode has been introduced along with fresh weapons, cosmetics, and Gadgets. Let’s jump into the action and explore the optimal build for dominating Terminal Attack in The Finals.

The Finals — Terminal Attack explained

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Terminal Attack is a new 5v5 competitive mode introduced in Season 2 of The Finals. In this mode, players must either attack and plant a decryption key at one of two terminals, or defend said terminals from attackers. The absence of revives, respawns, and healing, coupled with Gadgets that don’t recharge, makes this game mode unique. Additionally, your health will only regenerate up to 100 HP, adding to the challenge.

Currently, there are only three maps available in Terminal Attack, but more are expected to be added from the regular map pool over time. If you’ve been excelling in the standard game modes, now is the perfect opportunity to test your skills in a different setting. However, to succeed in Terminal Attack, you need to have the right builds.

The Finals — Best Light build to win Terminal Attack

Best Builds To Win Terminal Attack In The Finals Light
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Light builds can be challenging to play in the overall meta of Terminal Attack due to their lower health pool. However, if you enjoy maneuvering around the map and engaging in hit-and-run tactics, playing a Light character can position you as the key player on your team. Here is the best Light build to secure victory in Terminal Attack in The Finals:

  • Specialization: Cloaking Device
  • Weapon: SR-84 Sniper / XP-54 Submachine Gun
  • Gadgets: Tracking Dart, Thermal Vision, Vanishing Bomb

Light Specialization and Weapon

Despite the Season 2 mid-season update nerfing the Cloaking Device, it remains a crucial tool for navigating various combat scenarios. Playing a Light build demands discipline and strategic decision-making, and the Cloaking Device aids in making informed choices when engaging with enemies. The weapon choice depends on your playstyle, with the SR-84 sniper rifle ideal for eliminating foes attempting to disrupt the upload process, while the XP-54 Submachine Gun excels in dealing rapid damage.