How to fix ‘Can’t access backpack after wallet unlock’ in Warzone 2 DMZ

Fixing the Issue of Inaccessible Backpack after Wallet Unlock in Warzone 2 DMZ

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 receives regular updates to enhance gameplay, but sometimes these updates come with unintended glitches. One such glitch that emerged with the season 4 update of Warzone 2 is the inability to access backpacks after unlocking the wallet in the DMZ. This issue has caused frustration among players, as they are unable to utilize their backpacks effectively.

The Problem and its Scope

This issue primarily affects console players. Once the wallet is unlocked, the cursor becomes stuck over the wallet, preventing further access to the backpack. PC players, fortunately, have not encountered this problem.

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Possible Solutions

1. Connect a Mouse

One unconventional solution to this problem is to connect a USB mouse to your console. By doing so, you can move your cursor away from the backpack and regain access to your wallet. Although this method is a temporary fix, it can help until a proper game patch is released.

2. Reset the Game

A classic troubleshooting method for console issues is to turn the console off and then turn it back on. This simple reset can often resolve various glitches, including the wallet and backpack access problem in Warzone 2 DMZ.

3. Swap Active Operators

Another workaround is to switch your active operator. This action has the potential to unfreeze the wallet and restore access to the backpack in Warzone 2 DMZ. Give it a try and see if it resolves the issue for you.

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