How to get Shockwave Aspect in Diablo 4

How to Obtain the Shockwave Aspect in Diablo 4

In the world of Diablo 4, there are numerous Aspects scattered throughout Sanctuary just waiting to be discovered. While some of these powerful abilities are rewards for completing Dungeons, others can be obtained through random loot drops. If you happen to be playing as a Druid with a Pulverize build, one Aspect that you should definitely keep an eye out for is the Shockwave Aspect. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of obtaining the Shockwave Aspect in Diablo 4.

Where to Find the Shockwave Aspect

Most of the Aspects you’ll come across in Diablo 4 are obtained as rewards for completing Dungeons and are stored in your Codex of Power. However, certain Aspects can only be found attached to specific pieces of gear that you acquire through random Legendary item drops. So, if you’re after the Shockwave Aspect, you’ll need to rely on your luck and hope to come across a Legendary item that has it.

But don’t worry if you’re not a fan of the gear it’s on. You have the option to Extract the Shockwave Aspect so that you can use it on a different item of your choosing. Simply visit an Occultist in any town and they will perform the extraction for you. Once the Aspect is extracted, it will be added to your inventory and can be Imprinted onto any suitable gear. Just keep in mind that you can only imprint the Aspect once, so choose the gear wisely.

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What Does the Shockwave Aspect Do?

If you’re wondering what the Shockwave Aspect actually does, it is an exclusive ability for Druids that enhances the Pulverize skill. With the Shockwave Aspect equipped, your Pulverize ability will generate a shockwave that travels forward, dealing a random percentage of damage to any enemies it encounters along the way. This means that if there are multiple enemies in the path of the shockwave, they will all be affected by the damage.

Increasing Your Chances of Finding the Shockwave Aspect

Locating the Shockwave Aspect may require some patience and persistence since it cannot be obtained from Dungeons. To improve your chances of acquiring this Aspect, consider raising the World Tier and participating in Dungeons or Helltide events. By defeating more enemies, you increase the likelihood of them dropping Legendary items that may have the Shockwave Aspect attached.

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