Problematic Concepts of the Current Patch – DOTABUFF

We had the opportunity to closely observe the Riyadh Masters Group Stage, and while the overall meta is in a healthier state, there are certain issues that still persist. These problems are not necessarily related to specific heroes, but rather to certain game concepts. In this article, we would like to discuss some potential changes that could potentially make the meta even more diverse and open.

The Dispel Mechanic and Its Impact

The Dispel mechanic holds significant strength and has a direct impact on the viability of certain heroes. For instance, heroes like Magnus and Ursa are not favored in the professional scene due to their vulnerability to a ~5000 gold item that counters them completely. Furthermore, Bloodseeker has witnessed a decline in power, primarily because players now recognize the strength of Nullifier. The issue lies in the fact that Nullifier works through Debuff Immunity, allowing for no counterplay. Even Black King Bar provides no temporary respite from its effects. In the next patch, it would be advantageous to suppress the Nullifier effect during Debuff Immunity. Such a change would introduce more counterplay, necessitate strategic usage of BKB and Nullifier, and potentially revive the viability of certain heroes. Additionally, this alteration has the potential to decrease the popularity of Nullifier, thereby enhancing the survivability of supports who currently do not reap full benefits from their save items.

Linken’s Sphere: Taking a Hit

The introduction of patch 7.33 brought about an indirect nerf to Linken’s Sphere. The item can now be broken through Black King Bar, significantly reducing its power. While it remains a good item and is still crucial against certain ultimate abilities, it could benefit from minor adjustments, especially in games involving Rubick. Currently, it is nearly impossible to protect oneself while channeling spells, which forces heroes like Enigma to be excessively strong in other aspects. For instance, Malefice now deals 165 damage with just 100 mana, making it the most damaging level one “stun” ability in the game. This overcompensation is necessary to keep Enigma viable since the BKB+Linkens combo can no longer guarantee self-protection. Furthermore, this indirectly decreases the effectiveness and viability of heroes such as Warlock, rendering them less necessary. The ability to shut down powerful channeling spells with Rubick or other affordable targeted abilities/items diminishes the necessity of BKB-piercing AoE stuns, despite their theoretical strength. While we acknowledge that there may not be an elegant solution to this problem, it is possible to slightly reduce the damage efficiency of Linkens on Universal heroes while making it more effective for its intended purpose.

The Issue with Universal Heroes

There is an undeniable problem with the dominance of Universal heroes as right-clicking cores. Nerfing heroes like Void Spirit and Abaddon only seems to bring another hero into the limelight, such as Windranger. After the nerfs to Broodmother, Lycan and Snapfire have taken their place. Six out of the top ten most contested heroes in the Riyadh Masters are Universal heroes. Additionally, these nerfed Universal heroes often experience significant stat decreases, resulting in some of the weakest heroes who are virtually unplayable at higher skill levels. Consequently, certain Universal heroes have become trendsetters of the patch, overshadowing other heroes. For instance, heroes like Dazzle are seldom picked unless one intentionally wishes to ruin the game for their team. This is primarily a result of the emphasis on stats rather than the unique properties of these heroes, which takes away from their individual identities. If we were to witness a Bane carry, it would be evident that the game had gone too far. It is essential to find a better balance and potentially revert some of the changes that have led to this situation.

The Current State of the Meta

It is difficult to find major grievances with the current meta. Only three heroes have a contest rate of 80% or more, and seven heroes have a popularity of 70% or more. The meta is not as top-heavy as it was during the Major and is considerably more diverse. However, there are still certain trends that raise concerns. As we gear up for the International, it is our hope to witness some minor adjustments to heroes or, at the very least, buffs to the eight heroes who have been largely ignored.