Stellaris – How to Uplift a Species

Bestowing Sentience in Stellaris

Uplifting a species in Stellaris is a rare but rewarding endeavor. Not only does it result in a grateful new race within your empire, but it also provides you with additional pops at a relatively low cost.

When the opportunity to uplift a pre-sapient species arises, it is essential to understand the process and its benefits. This guide will walk you through the steps required to uplift a species, the necessary technology, and the rewards of doing so.

How to Uplift in Stellaris

Within the vast universe of Stellaris, you will encounter a variety of alien species, including those who have yet to reach sapience. Pre-sapient aliens behave like animals and do not engage in technological development or war.

Upon encountering pre-sapient species, your empire’s policy will dictate how they are treated. If you wish to uplift these creatures and grant them sentience, you can embark on a multi-stage project that will lead to a new, grateful race within your empire.

Researching How to Uplift a Species

The key technology required to uplift a species is epigenetic triggers, a mid-game technology that unlocks the ability to begin the uplift process. However, certain prerequisites must be met, including having unlocked genome mapping and ensuring that your empire is not genocidal.

Additionally, encountering a pre-sapient species is necessary before you can research epigenetic triggers, but the technology itself is not particularly rare.

Uplifting a Species

Once you have the necessary research, the next step is to ensure that the pre-sapient species is living on one of your colonized worlds. Then, you can initiate the uplift process through the species menu.

By clicking on the uplift button for the pre-sapient species, you can begin the uplift process for a cost of 3000 society research. Following the uplift, a new set of pops will join your empire, each with their own starting ethics determined by a series of events.

Benefits of Uplifting Pre-Sapient Aliens

Uplifting pre-sapient aliens offers several benefits, including receiving 50 free influence points, acquiring “free” pops ready to contribute to your empire, and enjoying happiness modifiers for the uplifted pops.

Furthermore, uplifted pops retain unique pre-sapient traits that can lead to the creation of powerful and unique builds within your empire.

This guide covers everything you need to know about uplifting in Stellaris. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to share them in the comments section. Enjoy your journey of uplifting aliens within the universe of Stellaris!