Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Earth’s Mightiest Core Set Board Game Review

Marvel Crisis Protocol: A Unique Skirmish Game

Games with miniatures and the Marvel license are common, but in 2019, Atomic Mass Games combined these two popular elements to create Marvel Crisis Protocol, a skirmish game where teams of super-powered characters compete for tactical objectives. Now, in its updated edition, Earth’s Mightiest Core Set, the game features cool new characters with more dynamic figures that have impressed fans. Best of all, owners of the original game can still use their figures, as the characters have slightly different stats and powers from their updated counterparts.

What’s in the Box

Note: figures come unpainted.

Upon opening the Marvel: Crisis Protocol – Earth’s Mightiest Core Set, the contents might look unimpressive with mostly gray plastic sprues, which will require some assembly. However, the figures are detailed and their poses are clean and obvious. After some patience and skilled assembly, the results are impressive, with updated figures that exceed their original versions in detail and dynamism. The new set also includes a wide array of scenery, adding to the game’s appeal.

Additionally, the box includes a pack of custom dice, character and crisis cards, a rules booklet, and cardboard sprues containing counters, all featuring bright and colorful comic art that livens up the gameplay.

Rules and How It Plays

Marvel Crisis Protocol plays like a standard modern miniatures game, with characters getting two actions for moving, attacking, or using specific hero powers. Each character represents a superhero, showcasing unique attacks and powers that result in a range of wacky and entertaining effects. Furthermore, the game’s objective system cleverly removes faction match-up issues, adding a strategic layer to the game. The unique team-building system and variety of crisis cards offer flexibility and variety in approaching each new challenge.

Marvel Crisis Protocol is a tactical game but is also dice-heavy, with custom dice icons that add an element of fun and unpredictability to the matches. However, with its theme and focus on comic book characters, the game may not provide the in-depth strategic challenge that some players are seeking.

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