What to Do With the Strange Ox in Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)

Discovering the Mystery of the Strange Ox in Baldur’s Gate 3

Exploring the Hollow in Baldur’s Gate 3 brings you face to face with a peculiar creature known as the Strange Ox. Despite its seemingly ordinary appearance alongside two other oxen, there is something unusual about this animal. If you’re curious to unravel the secrets behind this creature, you’ve come to the right place as we delve into its mystery!

Unveiling the Nature of the Strange Ox in BG3

Although the Strange Ox may appear to be an ordinary animal, it harbors hidden secrets. To gain insight from the ox, you must either drink the Potion of Animal Speaking or utilize the Speak with Animals spell.

You can acquire the potion by visiting the Owlbear Cave located northeast of the Blighted Village. It can be found near the Chest of Selune, but exercise caution as you may encounter an aggressive Owlbear and her cub within the cave.

If you succeed in passing the Arcana roll check after consuming the potion, you can proceed to ask the Strange Ox multiple questions. While the creature is not particularly talkative, it will eventually disclose its plan to head to Baldur’s Gate.

Image Credit: Larian Studios via Twinfinite

Unfortunately, the Strange Ox refuses to share any further information. The only other significant interaction available is to attack the animal. Upon slaying the Strange Ox, you will have the opportunity to loot the Shapeshifter’s Boon Ring from its remains. This item provides a 1d4 bonus to all checks when the character is in disguise.

The item’s description suggests that the Strange Ox may be a shapeshifter or a druid adopting the form of an animal. However, it remains unclear why the creature chooses to journey to Baldur’s Gate disguised as an ox instead of revealing its true form.

Now that the mystery of the Strange Ox has been unraveled, we highly recommend exploring the Overgrown Ruins in Baldur’s Gate 3. This area is filled with numerous secrets, and you may even come across Withers, who possesses the ability to change your character’s class.

About the author

Gabriela Jessica

Gabriela has been a Freelance Writer for Twinfinite since 2023. She primarily covers Genshin Impact but also enjoys exploring new games. Her personal favorites include TOTK, Stardew Valley, RDR2, The Witcher 3, and RE4 Remake. Gabriela holds a BA in English Literature from Ma Chung University and finds great joy in immersing herself in novels, manga, and anime.