Should you enter the Astral Prism in Baldur’s Gate 3?

Should You Enter The Astral Prism in Baldur’s Gate 3?

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When playing Baldur’s Gate 3, the choices you make can have a significant impact on the game’s outcome. Whether it’s a seemingly insignificant dialogue option or a major story decision, knowing the right path to take is crucial. If you’ve reached the point where you’re unsure whether or not to enter the Astral Prism after confronting the Githyanki in Crèche Y’llek, I have the answer for you.

Kill or Save the Guardian in the Astral Prism?

Vlaakith, the Githyanki queen, instructs you to kill the Guardian, your Dream Visitor, inside the Astral Prism. However, you have likely formed a bond with your Guardian throughout the game, making this a difficult decision. The answer to whether you should enter the Astral Prism in Baldur’s Gate 3 is a resounding yes. Let me explain why below.

Should You Enter The Astral Prism In Baldurs Gate 3 Vlaakith

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Entering the Astral Prism does not necessarily mean killing your Guardian. Vlaakith claims they are lying, and you can choose to trust her. Regardless of your beliefs, you should not defy Vlaakith and should take the opportunity to enter the Astral Prism.

If you want to keep Lae’zel in your party, it is crucial to obey the Githyanki queen and enter the Astral Prism. Disobeying her will lead to Lae’zel attacking you. However, there is a chance to sway Lae’zel’s opinion once inside the Astral Prism. Upon entering the cave, you will meet the Guardian alone. The Guardian will reveal that Vlaakith is dishonest, leaving you wondering who to trust.

Should You Enter The Astral Prism In Baldurs Gate 3 Guardian

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  • Kill the Guardian: If you choose to go against the Guardian, you will engage in a losing battle. The Guardian is impossible to kill and can heal themselves. The Guardian is disappointed in you and reveals it was a test. In the long run, this is not a favorable choice as it damages the trust between you and the Guardian.
  • Side with the Guardian: If you trust the Guardian, they will be grateful for your decision and assure you that Vlaakith is lying. They will provide further explanations for the lies, and when you exit the cave, you can convince Lae’zel that her queen is dishonest.

In conclusion, if you wish to keep Lae’zel alive and maintain the bond with your trusted Guardian, it is strongly recommended to enter the Astral Prism. Attempting to kill your Dream Visitor does not end well as they play a crucial role in keeping you alive, just as much as you do for them.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on Steam.