Best Marine Division Templates in Hearts of Iron 4
When playing Hearts of Iron 4, one of the most effective strategies for defeating your enemies is to surprise them with naval invasions in unexpected locations. And the best units for these operations are Marines. Despite being at a disadvantage in traditional combat, Marines excel in naval invasions.
However, creating effective Marine templates can be challenging due to the Special Forces cap. In this guide, we will provide you with some of the best Marine division templates that work well regardless of your Special Forces cap.
Best Marine Division Templates for the Early Game
In the early game, you may not have access to advanced technologies and battalions, making your Marines relatively weak. Nevertheless, you can still create effective divisions with limited resources. Here is a recommended Marine template for the early game:
- Marine Battalion 2×2
- Artillery x2
- Support Companies: Engineers, Artillery, Anti-Air, Signal
This 12-width battalion includes two columns of Marines and one column of Line Artillery. While it may not be as powerful as later templates, it offers enough Soft Attack and HP to hold the frontlines. Engineers and Anti-Air support companies are essential, and Signal Companies should be researched to increase division Initiative.
Best Marine Division Templates for 1940
Around 1940, you will have access to more technologies and troops, allowing you to create larger and more effective Marine division templates. Here is a recommended template for this stage of the game:
- Marines 3×3
- Artillery x4
- Support Companies: Engineers, Artillery, Anti-Air, Signal, Flame Tank
This 26-width battalion includes three columns of Marines and four columns of Artillery. With the addition of Flame Tank support company, this division becomes even more formidable during amphibious fights. Flame Tanks significantly improve division performance in various terrains and amplify their Defense. By utilizing this template, you can easily overpower enemy garrisons in ports.
Best Amtrac Division Template
As you progress through the research tree in Hearts of Iron 4, you will discover Amtrac battalions. These amphibious trucks are a game-changer for naval invasions. While they require more resources, they offer higher speed, Defense, and Breakthrough. Here is a recommended Amtrac division template:
- Amtracs 3×5
- Support Companies: Engineers, Artillery, Anti-Air, Signal, Flame Tank
This template shares the same support companies as the 1940 Marine template, but replaces the Artillery with three columns of Amtracs. The result is a division with high HP, Defense, and Breakthrough. These qualities are crucial as your other armies join the battle after landing.
By utilizing these Marine division templates, you can maximize your chances of success in naval invasions throughout Hearts of Iron 4. If you have any suggestions or input for this guide, feel free to share them in the comment section below!