Who Are The Best Controller Players In Fortnite

If you’re new to playing Fortnite with a Controller, or if you’re looking to enhance your skills as a Controller player, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve compiled a list of some of the top Controller players in Fortnite, perfect for beginners and dedicated players alike. By studying their techniques and strategies, you can improve your own gameplay. Keep reading to learn more about these players.

Fortnite: The Best Controller Players

Source – Agent Gaming on YouTube


Matthew “Mero” Faitel is widely regarded as one of the best players in Fortnite. He gained a large fan following during his time with Dignitas and won his first FNCS at just 16 years old. With numerous victories and representation by various Esports organizations, Mero is considered one of the greatest competitive players. He and the ‘dream team’ Cooper also won the Fortnite Champion Series in 2023.


Nathan Amundson, known as Reet, is famous for his exceptional fighting abilities. He ranked 9th in the FNCS 2023 and has taken home over $40,000 in cash prizes from his last three tournaments, despite not winning the title.


Considered a Tier 1 Fortnite Pro, GMoney has been showcasing his skills since the age of 10. His content gained popularity in the Fortnite community, and at just 15 years old, he ranked 36th in the FNCS 2023, a significant achievement for his age.

We’ve provided all the information you need to learn more about the Best Controller Players in Fortnite. For additional guidance on Fortnite, be sure to check out our guides here on Gamer Tweak.