How to exchange a gift with Mateo in Pokémon Go

Mateo: How to Exchange Gifts and Why He Might Not Appear

In December 2023, Pokémon Go introduced Mateo as part of the “Along the Routes” event during the Timeless Travel season. Mateo offers players the opportunity to exchange gifts with those in distant locations, providing a new way to connect with other trainers and potentially complete their Vivillion collection. This guide will explain how to exchange gifts with Mateo in Pokémon Go and address why he may not be appearing for some players.

How to Exchange a Gift with Mateo in Pokémon Go

To exchange a gift with Mateo, players must utilize the Route feature introduced to the game in the summer of 2023. Routes can be found in the “Nearby” window in the lower right corner of the map screen. To locate and interact with Mateo, players must walk to the end of a Route. Mateo may appear at the final PokéStop, similar to encountering Rocket Grunts and Leaders. Keep in mind that Mateo, like Zygarde Cells, only has a chance of appearing on a Route. If he does not appear, try walking a different Route to increase your chances of encountering him.

Upon encountering Mateo at the PokéStop, players can send a Gift found along their route and choose from several Gifts to open one in return from another trainer elsewhere in the world. This presents the opportunity to receive a postcard from another country, adding a unique and international touch to your Pokémon Go experience.

Why Isn’t Mateo Appearing in Pokémon Go?

If Mateo is not appearing at the end of a Route, it is important to note that his appearance is not guaranteed. Developer Niantic has stated that Mateo “may” show up at the end of a given Route, indicating that players may need to complete multiple routes to encounter him. Similar to collecting Zygarde Cells, Mateo’s appearance is uncommon, as confirmed by community discussions on The Silph Road subreddit. However, players may attempt to “force” Mateo to spawn by closing and re-opening the Pokémon Go app within the vicinity of the PokéStop where he is expected to appear. If he still does not appear, players should consider completing another unique Route to maximize their chances of encountering Mateo.