Raft – How to Unlock New Characters

How to Unlock New Characters in Raft

In Raft, the appearance of the character you control may not seem important at first glance. But with the ability to change POV and play multiplayer, selecting a new character can help differentiate between yourself and your friends.

In the character selection screen, default options are limited to the scout characters Maya and Rouhi. However, there are four locked slots hinting at additional characters waiting to be unlocked. So, how can you discover and unlock these new characters in Raft?

You can unlock new characters in Raft by locating them on different story islands and interacting with them. These characters are typically found in the final room of the story island, offering valuable loot and coordinates to the next destination.

Where to Find Unlockable Characters in Raft

  • Tala: Located in the highest room of the Radio Tower alongside the Recycler blueprint.
  • Johnny: Found in Relay Station 6 on Balboa Island. You’ll need to distract the big bear to acquire the Machete recipe before reaching Johnny.
  • Elaine: Situated on a chair within the top part of the central tower in Tangaroa. Access this character by entering the four-digit code in the central tower, causing the top part to explode into the ocean.
  • Shogo: Concealed in the frozen room just behind the reactor in Temperance.

These new characters are automatically unlocked once you interact with them on the respective story islands. Failure to converse with them may result in not obtaining the new character initially. However, you can always revisit the island and approach the final room to speak with them again if necessary.

It’s essential to note that these new characters do not provide any enhanced attributes or buffs; they serve a purely cosmetic purpose.

Now you know how to unlock new characters in Raft. If you have any suggestions for this guide, feel free to share them in the comments below.