How to have merchants at a base in Palworld

Managing resources and trading in Palworld can be time-consuming, but there’s a simple solution to streamline the process. By taking advantage of a particular “feature” in the game, you can learn how to have merchants at your base in Palworld.

How to Set Up Merchants at a Base in Palworld

Screenshot: PC Invasion

While there is a Traveling Merchant who may visit your base from time to time, this isn’t guaranteed. Additionally, some areas are off-limits to Traveling Merchants. If your base is located in these areas, you may not be aware of Traveling Merchants at all, making it even more beneficial to have one at your base.

Merchants are scattered around the Palworld map, offering a variety of items for sale. Our guide will demonstrate how to relocate one of these merchants to your base, giving you the ability to sell items and even purchase resources like wool and Pal Spheres, depending on the merchant at your base.

Capturing a Merchant in Palworld

To bring a merchant to your base, you’ll need to capture them first, which can be challenging depending on the merchant. Therefore, it’s best to find a merchant that isn’t part of a settlement.

For instance, there’s a merchant selling ammo at the far northwest side of the map (-480,745). You may need to weaken them to capture them, and if you accidentally kill them, don’t worry — merchants should respawn after 3+ hours, giving you another chance to capture them.

Once you’ve successfully captured a merchant, the most difficult part is behind you. You can then bring them back to your base and assign the merchant to your base using your Palbox. They will not only perform tasks around the base but will also allow you to trade and sell items to them when you approach them. Now, if only merchants sold copper keys.